
About Nicole Capper

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So far Nicole Capper has created 274 blog entries.

Thyroid Cancer: Knowing the Facts


Published on Spice4Life. September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, however there are many South Africans who are still rather unaware of what the thyroid is and what to look out for. Being armed with the facts greatly increases the opportunity [...]

Dignity in the Face of Emotional and Physical Trauma


Published in Good Things Guy.  While October is traditionally Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s worthwhile including this very common disease in conversations all year ‘round due to its prevalence. According to Globocan 2012 (the new version of IARCs online database), the most commonly diagnosed [...]

Kyla Comins


Kyla Comins is a medical doctor living in Cape Town. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2016, at age 28 – a significantly young age to be diagnosed (majority of women diagnosed are 40+). Despite this, she has chosen [...]

Link between diet and breast cancer


Published in W24. Findings in the past have suggested that physical activity, a healthy diet (particularly one low in fat and high in vegetables and fibre), and a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of breast cancer or the cancer coming [...]

Men can get breast cancer too


Published in Destiny Man. Breast cancer is not just a female problem - men can get it too. Prof Justus Apffelstaedt, Head of the Tygerberg Hospital Breast Clinic in Cape Town, tells more: What is the incidence of breast cancer in [...]

Opvolgprosedures vir borskankerpasiënte


Wanneer borskanker by ’n pasiënt gediagnoseer word, is bewustheid en kennis van die kragtigste wapens om die siekte te help beveg.  Hier is inligting rondom spesifieke soorte gewasse en riglyne vir ’n goeie opvolgroetine Deur: Prof Justus Apffelstaedt Onlangse kankernavorsing dui [...]

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