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ChaiFM speaks to Dr Apffelstaedt about the different stages of breast cancer and how that impacts treatment
ChaiFM spoke to Dr Apffelstaedt on 21st October about the different stages of breast cancer and the treatment options at each stage. This is a complicated topic that Dr Apffelstaedt has broken down into more simplistic and mainstream language. The [...]
Good Hope FM speaks to Dr Apffelstaedt about breast cancer and breast cancer stages
A great interview that unpacks the various stages of breast cancer and the treatment options. Aired on 13th October, the full clip is below:
Die Groot Ontbyt speaks to Dr Apffelstaedt about breast cancer during Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Die Groot Ontbyt interviewed Dr Apffelstaedt on breast cancer - they touch on a variety of topics, including breast cancer in younger patients and breast cancer in men. The full interview is below:
Are South Africa’s socially deprived at greater risk for breast cancer mortality?
By Dr Justus Apffelstaedt and Dr Fatima Hoosain, specialist surgeons with an interest in breast, thyroid and parathyroid health as well as soft tissue surgical oncology. While the fierce and ongoing debate around the standard of our public health system [...]
Dr Fatima Hoosain speaks to Voice of the Cape about social deprivation and breast cancer
On Wednesday, 11th August, Dr Hoosain spoke to Voice of the Cape about social deprivation and the impact on breast cancer risk and treatment. The entire interview is available below:
Benito Vergotine of SmileFM speaks to Dr Apffelstaedt about social deprivation and the impact and reality for breast cancer
The Honest Truth (hosted by Benito Vergotine), spoke to Dr Apffelstaedt about the current public health system infrastructure, social deprivation in SA and the impact on women when it comes to breast cancer.