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Waarom jy moet kennis neem van jou paratiroïede
Jou paratiroïede kliere bestaan uit vier klein kliertjie is jou nek, net agter jou tiroïed. Luister Woensdag 11:30 – 12:00 na Gesondheid op RSG, waar prof. Justus Apffelstaedt gesels oor die paratiroïede en die chirurgiese behandeling as een van die [...]
A look at thyroid disorders (and how to treat them)
Thyroid disease describes any dysfunction of the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck, known as the thyroid. Professor Justus Apffelstaedt explains that parathyroids are four tiny glands located in the neck behind the thyroid gland. Apffelstaedt specialises in [...]
Could your thyroid be making you fat?
Can your thyroid make you fat? It’s not uncommon for people to casually lay the blame for extra weight on a thyroid problem. But is this a self-diagnosis/excuse and is weight gain the only danger of having issues with the [...]
Breast cancer specialist adds thyroid treatment to services
With many years' experience in surgical oncology and training in thyroid ultrasound and diagnosis, breast cancer specialist, Professor Justus Apffelstaedt is now offering a holistic service for thyroid and parathyroid health and the treatment of related diseases. “As breast cancer [...]
Pink Lady & Tru Cape Crafts for Cancer: October 2016
Pink Lady Apples and Tru Cape invite you to attend the annual Crafts For Cancer Event on the 15th of October 2016. See all the details below, or contact Theresa Richards at
Health24: Mutated genes may trigger breast cancer
12 May 2016 Author: Professor Justus Apffelstaedt Important research has uncovered new genes that play a role in the development of breast cancer. The 'definitive list' A study, published online in Nature on 2 May 2016, reports on the discovery [...]