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CANSA Care Week with Professor Apffelstaedt
This year, CANSA partnered with Professor Apffelstaedt and Pink Lady Apples for their care week campaign namely "Caring for the Carer". The campaign aimed to spoil and honour the nurses and social workers that care for the patients at Tygerberg [...]
Tygerburger: Helping others kept pair going in grueling Epic
Date: Tygerburger - 23 April 2014
Pink Lady® apples and Tru-Cape sponsor riders in Cape Epic for Tygerberg Hospital Breast Clinic Transport Fund
Pink Lady® apples and Tru-Cape are sponsoring two riders in the Cape Epic (click here for more detail). The sponsorship of Nic Lamond and Hannes Hanekom is part of their fundraising initiative for the Tygerberg Hospital Breast Clinic Transport Fund.
Yes, we are Tweeting!
Here are a few highlights from our Twitter feed in 2013. Make sure you’re following us at @Apffelstaedt1 for the latest breast health news, interview times and articles. If you have any specific breast cancer related question, feel free to [...]
Mail & Guardian – Touch-and-go breast tech is no substitute for mammograms
SureTouch does not claim to be a substitute for proper breast cancer screening, but patients are being misled. "I was 16 when my mom died of breast cancer," says 28-year-old Monique Minnaar*. "Cancer is everywhere in my life so I [...]
Volksblad – Ander sy van borskanker
Dis reeds traumaties om met borskanker gediagnoseer te word, en dan lê die pad na rekonstruktiewe chirurgie ook nog voor. Amanda de Lange het met ’n kenner hieroor gepraat. DIE behandeling van borskanker strek baie verder as om bloot die [...]