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Bush Radio spoke to Dr Hoosain about thyroid cancer – how it develops, the symptoms and the treatment
Bush Radio spoke to Dr Hoosain about thyroid cancer - how it develops, the symptoms and the treatment.
YouFM speaks to Dr Fatima Hoosain about everything THRYOID
As World Thyroid Day fast approaches, YouFM speak to Dr Fatima Hoosain about everything to do with the thyroid - including what it is, what it does, and what can go wrong.
Breast cancer and diet – a discussion with Radio 786 and Fatima Hoosain about how diet can improve our chances of reducing cancer risk – as an adjunct
Radio 786 talks to Dr Fatima Hoosain about the role that diet can play in improving your chances of reducing cancer risk. Importantly - diet is an adjunct to treatment and screening. With kind permission, the full media clip is here.
Breast cancer and diet – Longevity
It is thought that diet is partly responsible for approximately 30% to 40% of all cancers, however, diet alone is not likely to prevent cancer. There are other elements involved, such as genetics and environmental factors. So, findings have suggested that a healthy diet that includes physical exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can contribute to a decreased chance of developing the most common cancers found in women – breast cancer.
click here for the full article: “Thyroid disease is a highly prevalent condition with impact on childhood development, women’s fertility, and risk of malignancy, making it an important global health issue of high priority.” This according to the Science [...]
Thyroid cancer: knowing the facts – Bona
Many South Africans are still unaware of what the thyroid is and what to look out for when it comes to thyroid health. Being armed with the facts greatly increases the opportunity for early detection and diagnosis, which are a patient’s best chance for recovery. This article provides those facts.
12 October 2013: Vroueoggend ten bate van borskanker
Doen jou deel om borskanker te bekamp en kom kuier saam op Saterdag, 12 Oktober by Napier Wynkelder in Wellington. Die oggend begin om 10:00 en beloof om vroue te inspireer met kos vir die siel. Danie Niehaus gaan as [...]
All4Women – Top surgeon explains Jolie’s choice
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie made headlines when she disclosed her genetic risk of breast cancer and her choice to have a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. The illusion of her picture perfect life was shattered and for many women it raised the [...]